Everything I learnt on my 6month hair restoration journey

Everything I learnt on my 6month hair restoration journey

If you’ve been following me over the last 6 months then you know I’ve been on a hair restoration journey. Back in July, my hair was dehydrated, brittle, dry and really fragile.

I was tired and contemplating whether I wanted to keep growing out my natural hair. Instead of chopping and relaxing it, I decided to give it one more shot and the progress speaks for itself 🤗🎉. I switched up my products, changed my routine completely and improved on a few of the things I did more consistently and I’m excited to share with you a few of the things I learnt;

– Water your hair like a plant. My goodness I can’t stress this enough. There’s a reason why Dr Emoto insisted that water is life – the cycle of water and the cycle of life are one. You don’t have to do much to keep your hair healthy, hydrated and moisturized. A little spritz every morning or every night before bed really makes the difference.

– You are what you eat. If you’ve been following me here for the last couple of months, then you probably know by now that I’m keen on understanding individual ingredients, the nutritional value of the food I consume, preparing my own meals and healing my gut. The health of your microbiome contributes a huge percentage of your overall wellbeing. It’s really important to take active steps towards strengthening and rebalancing your gut.

– Just because the ‘natural hair community’ endorses it doesn’t mean it’s good. Like every finger print, your hair is unique to you. Learn your hair, understand it’s needs and nourish it with the right products according to your personal research. Don’t be afraid to experiment with products until you find what works.

– Natural hair is a * lot of work. I’m not gonna sugar coat it. Over the last 6 months, I’ve spent a lot of late nights doing twist outs and when I’m not, I’m watching relaxed hair YouTube trying to convince myself it’s time. How you doing?

– A consistent hair routine really goes a long way. For the last 6 months I washed my hair every week alternating between moisturizing and protein treatments, hot oil treatments, hair masks, trimming my hair every 6 weeks. I braided once (I really hate braids) and I straightened it twice, 3 months into the process and yesterday which officially marked my 6 months as I plan to braid my hair this weekend. There is progress in consistency.

– It’s your hair, make your own rules! But if your hair is anything like mine, it’ll make the rules for you 😁

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