Constructing the perfect oat bowl

Constructing the perfect oat bowl

Oats are an easy answer to wholesome meals each morning but I’ll be the first to admit they aren’t the tastiest!

Over the years, I’ve managed to create a little cheat sheet that takes oats from bland bowls to yummy treats that almost make you feel like you’re having dessert for brekkie.

Here’s how:

  1. Layer texture – always add in some crunchy bits. Seeds, chocolate chunks, coconut flakes, nuts or fruit preserves…Yum!
  2. Add fresh, stewed or frozen fruit – fruits such as berries, kiwis, bananas are not only loaded with heaps of anti-oxidants and vitamin C but add natural sweetness perfect for any sweet tooth. If you prefer savory options for your morning, avocado is a great alternative.
  3. Make it creamy – choose your favorite milk option whether dairy free or not. A nice dollop of yoghurt or almond milk really lifts the flavors.
  4. Nut butters for the win – a teaspoon of peanut, almond, cashew butter just takes your bowl from basic to bomb and gives you that extra serving of healthy fats and protein that your body needs to power through the morning.
  5. Pack on the flavor – don’t be afraid to add in spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger or pepper. Add that cocoa or coffee and watch yourself become an oat addict in no time.
  6. Don’t forget to make it colorful – colorful meals are a great sign of phytonutrients which means your body is getting essential nutrients.

I have a couple of tasty recipes here that are bound to get you excited for breakfast!

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