Apple Stew

Apple Stew

Your digestive system is at its weakest when you wake up, that’s why it’s important to have foods that nourish and support your gut to wake up in the morning. Warm water with lemon and apple stew are some of my go to remedies each morning.

Apple stew is an age old remedy used in Ayurvedic practices and has an array of health benefits. Ayurveda refers to the digestive system as Agni, the fire of digestion. Digestive Agni burns strong during the day but as the sun goes down, so does Agni. It rests overnight just to rise once again.

Stewed apples are the perfect digestive fire starter. For one, apples are a great source of prebiotics which is great for gut healing. They contain pectin that interacts with the bacteria in your gut to produce short chain fatty acids that help in regulating your body’s immune system and reduce inflammation. Cooking your apple makes the pectin more potent and easily digestible. Apples are also high in insoluble fiber that helps to eliminate toxins from your liver which helps with constipation as it acts as a gentle cleanser for the digestive system. Stewed apples optimize dietary pH balance and boost immunity.

So how do you make your apple stew?

The easiest 5 minute recipe you’ll ever get. Because the morning demands that you support your gut in the release of toxins, I steam my apples with cinnamon and cloves/nutmeg (optional depending on your taste palette) Typically I don’t add or pair it with anything else in the morning meaning I don’t add yogurt or nuts. However, if you’d like to make your bowl more filling, I would recommend natural yogurt or coconut yogurt. Any nuts of your choice, seed mix, coconut shavings.


  • red apples
  • cinnamon
  • nutmeg/ clove spice (optional)

Steam until soft.

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