Author: betawithbri

Beans on Toast.

Beans on Toast.

For the first time in about 17 years, I had beans! And I liked them.

Apple Stew

Apple Stew

Your digestive system is at its weakest when you wake up, that’s why it’s important to have foods that nourish and support your gut to wake up in the morning. Warm water with lemon and apple stew are some of my go to remedies each morning.

Continue reading Apple Stew
Sugar, Sugar!

Sugar, Sugar!

Sugar is a type of carbohydrate found in both food and beverages. Once digested, sugar is broken down into glucose which our bodies use for energy.

Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating

Continue reading Emotional Eating

Garlic Bread

Garlic Bread

Admit it, there are a few things quite as sinful and as delicious as garlic bread.

Chickpea Sandwich

Chickpea Sandwich

This recipe is everything I didn’t know I needed, until I did!

Continue reading Chickpea Sandwich
Foods I eat everyday

Foods I eat everyday

Sometimes better health doesn’t mean taking away anything, instead it’s understanding your everyday choices.